Relief Organizations


When news of Russia’s egregious attacks on Ukraine broke, Caroline Mendez’s response was quick. Caroline is vice president of client services for the National Call Center, a separate division of SD&A. While news of the invasion was still fresh, outbound fundraising calls had already started for two of our humanitarian relief clients, USA for UNHCR and UNICEF.

USA for UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) offers the most basic necessities of life to those displaced by wars, political and religious oppression, famine and plague. UNHCR offers a better quality of life to those experiencing the unimaginable.

UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) was created in 1946 to provide humanitarian relief to mothers and children in the aftermath of World War II. That work continues today: “Every day, UNICEF workers brave war zones, treacherous terrain, disasters, and disease to make the world safe for kids. UNICEF has helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization.” (

Both organizations are actively working to support the people of Ukraine with humanitarian and medical aid during this time of senseless war, displacement, and suffering. SD&A is honored to be raising money to help support these vital organizations.

“We are continuously impressed by the funds our National Call Center raises for humanitarian causes,” said Elizabeth McClain, vice president and general manager of SD&A’s Performing Arts Account Services division. Many of us are donors to the same organizations we partner with here at SD&A. Caroline Mendez, Zach Siegel (VP of NCC Operations) and the work of their teams inspire us with their tireless drive and passion to bring in funds for nonprofits providing quality of life to the defenseless.”

To make a secure donation in support of Ukraine Refugee Relief, please visit: