Our National Call Center offers a wide variety of membership and fundraising campaigns to help clients reach their revenue goals:
- Renewal
- Lapsed / Reinstatement
- Add Gift / Special Appeal
- Sustainer (Monthly Giving)
- Sustainer Acquisition (converts petition signers and web activists to donors)
- Sustainer Upgrade
- Sustainer Recapture
- EFT Conversion (encourages patrons to change their method of payment from credit card or mail pledge to electronic transfer of funds directly from their bank account, which is faster than other methods of payment and more effective in terms of fulfillment.)
- Thank You
- Capital
- Upgrade
- Business-to-Business
- Planned Giving
Standard Reporting
- Cumulative Daily Report shows daily and cumulative statistics of contacts, dollars pledged per contact, pledge percentage, average gift, total dollars pledged, number of gifts, number of credit card gifts, and any other requested stats.
- End of Campaign Report (Database Update) contains detailed results of database updates, including changes in name, address or phone number, gift date, gift amount, deceased records, and payment details of pledges. End of campaign reports can be sent as an uploadable file that allows for easy updates to the client database.
- Member/Donor Comment File Report records feedback from donors, including general comments, concerns, or questions.
- Additional specialized reports are available upon request depending on the unique needs of the campaign.